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Set up local contract development

⚠️You may not be allowed to deploy your contract on Mainnet
If you are looking to deploy custom non-Immutable contracts on Immutable zkEVM Mainnet, your deployment wallet address needs to be specifically allowed. We have a waitlist process for this while we're in "Early Access". Please follow instructions here. Please note, you can test your custom contracts on Immutable zkEVM Testnet without being specifically allowed.

Create project

This section uses Hardhat for managing the smart contract development environment. Follow the steps in their tutorial in order to:

  • set up your local environment
  • create a new Hardhat project

When running npx hardhat init, you may be presented with the options:

  • Create a TypeScript project
  • Create a TypeScript project (with Viem)

In order for the tutorials in this section to work, select Create a TypeScript project (not viem).

Run this command to install additionally required libraries:

npm install @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox dotenv

Alternatives to using Hardhat

Foundry is another popular alternative that can be used to set up your own smart contract development environment.

Add contracts

Immutable zkEVM is fully EVM compatible, which means it can support all Solidity contracts. Additionally, we provide a contracts library which contains a set of recommended smart contract presets.


Once you have successfully created a Hardhat project, you can add one of our recommended smart contract presets by installing the library as a package inside your smart contract project.

Run this command to install the contracts library:

npm install @imtbl/contracts

You can see a full list of recommended presets here.

Immutable zkEVM collection requirements

All collections deployed on Immutable's zkEVM must utilise the operator allowlist to protect content creator (eg: you, the game studio's) royalty fees and Immutable's 2% protocol fees.

This can be achieved through embedding the following into your smart contract collection designs:

  • Recommended Approach: For seamless implementation use or inherit Immutable's preset contracts tailored for gas-efficient creation of Web3 gaming assets on the zkEVM network. Immutable offers the following 2 preset contracts:

  • Minimally Required Standard: If the above options are not compatible with your game design, it is mandatory for your collection to inherit the OperatorAllowlistEnforced.sol contract, allowing your collection to interact with the OperatorAllowlist. OperatorAllowlistEnforced includes the functions to identify compliant smart contracts for approvals and transfers, ensuring the preservation of content creators’ royalty fees and protocol fees in third-party marketplace transactions.

    • If your game design restricts your collections from importing Immutable's preset contracts, please note that your request for inclusion on the Mainnet's deployer allowlist may undergo additional processing time. Immutable will conduct thorough verification to ensure that your collections comply with our mandated standards, safeguarding content creators on the network. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring Immutable's zkEVM network remains secure for our web3 gaming community.

The use of the preset contracts accelerates integration with Immutable's ecosystem. If your studio has developed custom ERC721 or ERC1155 collections, ensure they adhere to their respective standards in addition to inheriting the OperatorAllowlistEnforced.sol contract, to safeguard compatibility with Immutable's ecosystem.