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1. Register as a user

Registering as a user on Immutable X means to generate an Immutable X L2 wallet for an Ethereum L1 wallet so that you can transact on L2.

Please read here for more information on this process.


  1. Get an Ethereum (L1) wallet
  2. Register as a user
  3. Get test ETH

You can register as a user on our main Ethereum marketplace, or on our sandbox marketplace if you're just testing.

1. Get an Ethereum (L1) wallet

The easiest way of registering as a user on Immutable X is to connect your wallet to the Immutable marketplace (Ethereum, sandbox).

This connect wallet functionality supports the following wallet applications:

  • Metamask
  • Magic - start the set up process by clicking on 'Connect' in the Immutable Marketplace
  • Gamestop (only Ethereum marketplace)

Once you've created your wallet, you may have to set your network to the same as the marketplace: Ethereum or Goërli.

2. Register as a user

There are two ways to register as a user:

  1. Connect in the Immutable Marketplace
  2. Use imx-examples repository

Connect in the Immutable Marketplace

Click on 'Connect' and follow the prompts

Use imx-examples respository

  1. Get the private key for the wallet that you created (go here if you created a Magic wallet)
  2. Follow the steps in 1. Register as a user with Immutable X here

3. Get test ETH

In order to make transactions while testing on Sepolia, you’ll need to fund your wallet with some ETH. Here are some faucets where you can get some:

Sometimes all faucets are dried up at once. There are others. Join the conversation in Discord for help if you cannot find any.