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Quickstart tutorials

Welcome to our Quickstart tutorials. These guides will get you started in a flash. We'll take you through the basics, show you the key features and have you up and running like a pro in no time. Let's go! πŸš€

Quickstart TutorialDescription
Build a gameLearn how to build a Web3 game with our collection of step-by-step tutorials that will get you from zero to Web3 game in record time.
Build a marketplaceLearn how to build a Web3 marketplace with our collection of step-by-step tutorials.
Deploy smart contractBeginner-friendly tutorials to walk you through the basics of building, testing, and deploying smart contracts on the Immutable zkEVM.
Game launch checklistFollowing this checklist ensures a smooth mainnet launch and enhances the player experience by addressing key aspects such as allowlists, rate limits, and marketplace integration.