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Backend Configuration

1. Set up your project in the Immutable Hub and create an environment

2. Deploy the Primary Sales contract

Click on the Primary Sales option in Hub and then follow the steps to Deploy a Primary Sales contract

2.1 Connect wallet

2.2 Deploy contract

Fill the details in the form and click the button Deploy contract. Here's a breakdown of the fields in the form:

NameThe name assigned to the Primary Sales contract when deployed on-chain, we suggest a mention to primary sales and the game name ie PrimarySalesGuildOfGuardians
VersionThe version of the Primary Sales contract, we suggest assigning a consecutive number starting from 1
Linked collectionChoose the ERC721 or ERC1155 collection that will be linked to the Primary Sales contract, this is the collection that will be minted when a sale is made.
ERC20 tokensChoose all the ERC20 tokens that will be accepted as payment when a sale is made.

Once you click the button Deploy contract, a modal will open, make sure you don't close this modal as it will show the progress of the deployment. The modal will automatically close once the process completes.

2.3 Approve transactions

To be able to deploy the contract, you will need to approve the transactions in your wallet.

Once the modal closes, a success message will appear on top.

3. Configure the Primary Sales widget

Let's review all configuration fields required to configure the Primary Sales widget:

Primary Sales Contract AddressThe address where the Primary Sales contract was deployed (Step 2)
Primary Sales Contract NameThe name of the Primary Sales contract deployed (Step 2)
Primary Sales Contract VersionThe version of the Primary Sales contract deployed (Step 2)
ExpiryNumber of seconds configured for the orders to expire, signed orders need to be executed on-chain before this expiry. This value should encompass the time it takes for a user to review an order until it’s executed in the chain.
Mint typeThe type of mint method used to deliver the NFTs to the final user, the available methods are:
- safeMint: Standard method used to mint a single NFT but incorporates a validation to only allow the minting to happen if the recipient is prepared to receive an NFT.
- safeMintBatch: Gas optimised method to mint multiple NFTs to a recipient, it also incorporates a validation to only allow the minting to happen if the recipient is prepared to receive an NFT.
Contract IDThe Contract ID given by Immutable, this is used by Transak to know which game is using their widget, if you are not using Transak, set value to None.
PayoutsThe list of wallets that will receive the revenue of the Primary Sale, if you only need one, add one value to the list with a percentage of 100, values needed are:
- The wallet address that will receive the payout percentage
- The percentage as an integer
CurrenciesList of ERC20 currencies supported by the partner game to receive payouts. The information needed to configure a currency is:
- The contact address of the ERC20 contract
- The number of decimals
- The Symbol
- Default currency (true if this is the default currency, false otherwise)
- Exchange ID (how the currency appears in coingecko, this is used to fetch conversion rates)

3.1 More on supported Currencies

It is required to set one or more currencies in order to receive payouts.

🪙Default currency
Default currency is the preferred token for payouts. Must ensure there is one default currency in the configuration.
The primary sales widget prioritises payments be made in the default currency, before offering the option to pay with other currencies.

Wallets with insufficient funds in the default currency will be prompted to swap their tokens.

Setting up a configuration with two currencies in testnet would look like this:

📗Default currency
In this example the configuration will default to payments in USDC, while also accepting payments in ETH.

Wallets with insufficient USDC or ETH, will be prompted to swap their tokens to USDC (if their tokens have liquidity pairs with USDC on QuickSwap).

3.2 Webhook configuration

Once you have filled the configuration fields explained above, you will be asked to configure the webhook information, which is used to connect the Primary Sales widget with your stock management system. Refer to the Primary Sales webhook guide on how to implement these webhooks.

Once you have decided which option to integrate, fill the details in the webhook section, here's a breakdown of the fields:

Quote URL
Quote API Key
The URL and API key used to get a quote for draft orders. These can be part of your own stock management system or WooCommerce depending on what was configured in the previous step.
Sale authorization URL
Authorization API Key
The URL and API key used to authorize the sales. These can be part of your own stock management system or WooCommerce depending on what was configured in the previous step.
Sale confirmation URL
Confirmation API Key
The URL and API key used to confirm the orders once executed on-chain. These can be part of your own stock management system or WooCommerce depending on what was configured in the previous step.
Sale expiration URL
Expiration API Key
The URL and API key used to inform about expired orders. These can be part of your own stock management system or WooCommerce depending on what was configured in the previous step.

When all the fields are filled, click on the "Save Changes" button to save the configuration.

4. Adjustments to configuration

If you need to update any of the configuration fields, you can come back by clicking in the Configuration tab next to Overview.