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SDK Reference - On-Ramp



Represents the query parameters for generating an on-ramp URL.

  • FString DefaultCryptoCurrency The cryptocurrency to purchase (default: "IMX").
  • FString DefaultFiatAmount The amount of fiat currency to spend when purchasing cryptocurrency (default: "50").
  • FString DefaultFiatCurrency The fiat currency to use (default: "USD").
  • FString CryptoCurrencyList A comma-separated list of available cryptocurrencies for purchase (default: "imx,eth,usdc").

Static Functions

Generates a URL for the on-ramp flow.

Method parameters


Specifies the environment (Sandbox or Production).


The user's email address, pre-filled in the on-ramp flow.


The user's wallet address, where tokens will be sent.

const FImmutableOnRampQueryParams&QueryParamsREQUIRED

The query parameters for the on-ramp flow. Uses default values if not specified.

TMap<FString, FString>ExtraQueryParamsREQUIRED

Additional query parameters. See Transak Query Parameters for possible fields.

If ExtraQueryParams includes any fields that are already defined in QueryParams, the values in QueryParams will take precedence.

For example, if ExtraQueryParams contains "defaultFiatAmount", it will be ignored and the value from QueryParams.DefaultFiatAmount will be used instead.



The generated on-ramp URL.