Cancel orders
An order can only be cancelled before it has been filled by another player.
To cancel an order, the player needs to sign a cancel order transaction that includes the listing ID of the order they are wanting to cancel and the seller's wallet address.
To list cancel a listing, you need to do the following:
- Prepare the cancel order.
- Submit the cancel order.
Below are partial code snippets that demonstrate the essential parts of each of these steps. If you want to see the full implementation, you can take a look at SearchNFTsWidget.cpp in our Unreal sample game and the Build a marketplace in Unreal tutorial.
Cancel order workflow
1. Prepare the cancel order
This step sets up the necessary data for a cancelling an order, including the the order's ID and the seller's wallet address,
and then sends the request using CancelOrdersOnChain
method of Immutable Orderbook API.
ImmutableTsSdkApi::OpenAPIOrderbookApi::CancelOrdersOnChainRequest Request;
ImmutableTsSdkApi::OpenAPICancelOrdersOnChainRequest RequestData;
RequestData.AccountAddress = LocalPlayer->GetPassportWalletAddress();
Request.OpenAPICancelOrdersOnChainRequest = RequestData;
Policy->GetTsSdkAPI()->CancelOrdersOnChain(Request, ImmutableTsSdkApi::OpenAPIOrderbookApi::FCancelOrdersOnChainDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &USearchNfTsWidget::OnCancelOrdersOnChain));
2. Submit the cancel order
Unlike creating or filling an order, it's assumed the player already has approved your collection to interact with the Immutable Orderbook to create their listing, so you don't need to sign and submit an approval transaction.
You only need to sign and submit the cancel order transaction as shown below.
void USearchNfTsWidget::OnCancelOrdersOnChain(const ImmutableOrderbook::APIOrderbookApi::CancelOrdersOnChainResponse& Response)
ImmutableOrderbook::APICancelOrdersOnChain200Response OkResponse;
TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> JsonValue;
FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(Response.GetHttpResponse()->GetContentAsString()), JsonValue);
auto Action = OkResponse.CancellationAction.GetValue();
FString PopulatedTransactionsTo = Action.PopulatedTransactions.GetValue().To.GetValue();
FString PopulatedTransactionsData = Action.PopulatedTransactions.GetValue().Data.GetValue();
GetOwningCustomLocalPLayer()->SignSubmitApproval(PopulatedTransactionsTo, PopulatedTransactionsData, [this](FString TransactionHash, FString Status)
After cancelling the order
The order cancellation transaction is now being processed. Upon validating the required the ownership of the listing being cancelled on‑chain, the order will asynchronously transition to the CANCELLED
We recommend taking an optimistic view and showing the order as CANCELLED
as soon as it is submitted, then polling the order status to check for updates for the most seamless player experience.
You can see all the different order status types in the table in the order statuses documentation.
For more details on each step, you can read the Typescript documentation for cancelling orders since the Unreal Orderbook closely follows this implementation. You can also view a full example in the Unreal sample game.