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Game Launch Checklist

Immutable recommends game studios follow these steps prior to launching their games. This list is designed to prevent unexpected technical issues and maximise a game's reach within Immutable's ecosystem partners and community.

go-live checklist for game studiosgo-live checklist for game studios

Purpose of this checklist

This checklist serves to ensure that game studios complete all necessary steps for launching their game or any NFT collections on zkEVM Mainnet. Following this checklist will facilitate:

  • Smooth Technical Launch: Minimising technical issues by adhering to Immutable's allowlists and procedures.
  • Integration with Ecosystem Products: Seamless integration with various components of Immutable's ecosystem to enhance the game's success.
  • Acknowledge Rate Limits: Understanding and adhering to Immutable's rate limiting policies for different activities.
  • Game Visbility on Marketplaces: Improving game visibility on marketplaces to boost revenue generation for the game's economy.
  • Game Visbility Through Immutable's Community: Establishing a robust presence within Immutable's community to bolster the game's success.

Chain Allowlists

Before launching your game on Mainnet, ensure the following steps have been taken to avoid any technical disruptions:

Please note that the following privileges are available only to game studios with a contract with Immutable. If you wish to establish a relationship with Immutable, please reach out to us.

  • Import Operator Allowlist in your Custom Collection: Ensure that Immutable's Operator Allowlist is imported into your custom collection to respect royalties on secondary market trading (i.e. exchanges). For more information see this guide.
  • Operator Allowlist Permissions: Add any smart contracts requiring approvals or permits from your NFT collections to Immutable's Operator Allowlist. If your smart contract will be transferring assets it also needs to be added to Immutable's Operator Allowlist. For more information see this guide.

Asset Verification

Before launching your game on Mainnet, ensure the following steps have been taken to ensure transparency within Immutable's ecosystem:

  • Asset Linking in Hub: Link all game assets (ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 contracts) to your Immutable Hub account. This associates your assets with your game studio. For more information see this guide.
  • Immutable Asset Verification - Blue Tick: Verify all ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 contracts with Immutable to receive a blue tick, indicating legitimacy to the community. For more information see this guide.
  • Immutable Asset Verification - Inactive Collections: Flag erroneous or dormant collections as Inactive to delist them from select marketplaces and inform the community not to transact with assets from these collections. For more information see this guide.
  • Explorer Contract Verification - Making Contract Code Public: Expose your contracts code to users on Immutable's Explorer so the community can trust your smart contracts. For more information see this guide

To make sure that creators receive their hard earned loyalties, Immutable requires that all collections of ERC-721/1155s deployed on Immutable zkEVM implement the Operator Allowlist. Not implementing will have these effects for your collection (i.e. ERC-721/1155s):

  1. You may forfeit any token grants you may have received.
  2. Passport users will receive a warnings that your collection is likely to be counterfeit.
  3. Your collection will not appear on any of the 3rd party marketplaces in our ecosystem.

For more information on the Operator Allowlist, please see this guide.

Minting API

If your game uses Immutable's Minting API, ensure the following before launching on Mainnet:

  • Minting API Rate Limits: Be aware of the rate limits.
  • Confirm Minting API Enablement: The Minting API enablement on Mainnet is now automated. Before initiating a mass mint for your community, we recommend performing a test mint on Mainnet or contacting your Immutable account manager to verify that your application has been assigned the correct rate limit. The response from the Minting API will display your rate limit for confirmation (see example below).

"imx_mint_requests_limit": "2000",
"imx_mint_requests_limit_reset": "2024-02-13 07:20:00.778434 +0000 UTC",
"imx_mint_requests_retry_after": "59.98-seconds",
"imx_remaining_mint_requests": "1999"

Testnet: All Game Studios and Users

ActionRate Limit
# of Token IDs per request100
Total # of NFTs/SFTs requested per minute100

Mainnet: Game Studios with an Immutable Relationship

ActionRate Limit
# of Token IDs per request100
Total # of NFTs/SFTs requested per minute2,000

Mainnet: Game Studios and Users

ActionRate Limit
# of Token IDs per request100
Total # of NFTs/SFTs requested per minute100

See default rate limits for all API calls here.

  • Minting API Metadata: If you minted assets before creating the associated local metadata files in your baseURI/token_id location, conduct a metadata refresh on all assets to ensure consistency across marketplaces. For more information see this guide


Before launching your game on Mainnet, ensure your assets metadata adheres to the below best practice to ensure the community is informed of the asset's purpose and value.

  • Blockchain Data API: Ensure the information provided to the Blockchain Data API via Minting API calls or Metadata Refresh'es are always in sync with your local metadata files stored in the baseURI/token_id location. Some ecosystem providers will use Immutable's Blockchain Data API to cache metadata, others will go to your source files.
  • Collection Metadata: Ensure you collections have the following details so marketplaces and players can identify them correctly
    • Name: Should include the name of your game in the collection name
    • Description: Should include the name of your game and purpose of the assets grouped in the description
    • Image: Should include the location of an image that represents the assets in the collection. This will be used by marketplace and ecosystem providers to visually represent your asset
    • Base URI: The root location of the assets metadata within the collection
  • On-chain Metadata: If your assets have on-chain metadata, ensure this is mirrored off-chain as well as metadata indexes and marketplaces only use off-chain metadata in their listings process.
  • Rate Limits: Be mindful of metadata refresh rate limits when updating metadata post-mint.
Resource or operationLimit
Total number of NFTs updated677 per minute
Each NFT metadata refresh requestUp to 250 token IDs per request
Total NFT metadata size228 KiB per request
Total number of metadata stacks updated677 per minute
Each metadata stack refresh requestUp to 10 metadata stack IDs per request

Tip: If metadata_ids are used the number of NFTs updated per minutes can be significantly increased.

Also checkout default API rate limits.

Trading Rewards

Before launching your game on Mainnet, ensure your collections are registered with the trading rewards program.

  • Collection Registration: Register your collections with your Immutable account manager to have them included in this list.

Only collections where there's at least a sizable number of assets with 0.5% royalties will be added. Please contact the team for assistance.


The following marketplaces support zkEVM assets. Immutable recommends reaching out to these platforms as needed to ensure your assets are listed in the best possible manner, showcasing your game in its optimal light

Token Trove


Contract: Email -



Contact: Website Support

Verified (Badged) Collection Request: Automatic for Immutable collections. Create a Support Ticket with AtomicHub if your collection is not automatically "Badged".



Contact: Website Support



Contact: Website Support

Verified Collection Request: Request through Immutable Hub by following this procedure.

Marketplace Feature Summary

marketplace summary


  • Launchpad: The marketplace offer a storefront for a game studio's primary sale.
  • Collection Listing Process: Procedure for adding a game's collection to the marketplace listing page.
  • Game View: Ability for game studios to group collections under a Game title for easy access. (Example: Guild of Guardians on Token Trove)
  • Metadata Refresh Support - Token ID: Handling of metadata refresh events post-minting to ensure marketplace users view the most recent asset version. Marketplace supports games studio's updating metadata by token_id, see here for more details.
  • Metadata Refresh Support - Metadata ID: Handling of metadata refresh events post-minting to ensure marketplace users view the most recent asset version. Marketplace supports games studio's updating metadata by metadata_id, see here for more details.
  • ERC721 Support: Supports ERC721 collections on Immutable's zkEVM.
  • ERC1155 Support: Supports ERC1155 collections on Immutable's zkEVM. This is a new product recently launched so marketplaces are actively integrating.
  • Blue Verification Tick: Process for obtaining a verification checkmark next to collections, signifying legitimacy and game association.
  • Custom Storefront: Customisation options to align collection listings with the game's aesthetic.
  • Custom ERC20 Support: Steps to list custom ERC20 tokens as valid currency for marketplace transactions.