Type alias GasEstimateTokenConfig

GasEstimateTokenConfig: {
    [key: string]: {
        bridgeToL2Addresses?: GasEstimateBridgeToL2TokenConfig;
        swapAddresses?: GasEstimateSwapTokenConfig;

A type representing the required information to estimate gas for a transaction.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: {
        bridgeToL2Addresses?: GasEstimateBridgeToL2TokenConfig;
        swapAddresses?: GasEstimateSwapTokenConfig;
    • Optional bridgeToL2Addresses?: GasEstimateBridgeToL2TokenConfig

      The type representing the addresses for a bridge to layer 2 gas estimate.

    • Optional swapAddresses?: GasEstimateSwapTokenConfig

      The type representing the addresses for a swap gas estimate

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