Type Alias RemoteConfiguration

RemoteConfiguration: {
    connect: ConnectConfig;
    dex: DexConfig;
    onramp: OnRampConfig;
    bridge: BridgeConfig;
    addfunds: AddFundsConfig;
    allowedNetworks: AllowedNetworkConfig[];
    gasEstimateTokens?: GasEstimateTokenConfig;
    imxAddressMapping?: ImxAddressConfig;
    telemetry?: TelemetryConfig;
    squid?: SquidConfig;
    checkoutWidgetsVersion: CheckoutWidgetsVersionConfig;

A type representing various remotely defined configurations which are accessible via the Checkout config and configured based on the Environment.

Type declaration

  • connect: ConnectConfig

    The config used for the Connect.

  • dex: DexConfig

    The config used for the DEX.

  • onramp: OnRampConfig

    The config used for the OnRamp

  • bridge: BridgeConfig

    The config used for the Bridge.

  • addfunds: AddFundsConfig

    The config used for Add Funds

  • allowedNetworks: AllowedNetworkConfig[]

    An array representing the allowed networks.

  • OptionalgasEstimateTokens?: GasEstimateTokenConfig

    The config for the tokens used to estimate gas.

  • OptionalimxAddressMapping?: ImxAddressConfig

    The IMX address mappings across available networks.

  • Optionaltelemetry?: TelemetryConfig

    Telemetry config.

  • Optionalsquid?: SquidConfig

    Squid config.

  • checkoutWidgetsVersion: CheckoutWidgetsVersionConfig

    The checkout version info.