Type Alias SemanticVersion

SemanticVersion: {
    major: number;
    minor?: number;
    patch?: number;
    prerelease?: "alpha";
    build?: number;

Represents the version of the Commerce Widgets to use defaults to (0.1.9-alpha)

Type declaration

  • major: number

    The major version of the widgets, must specify a major version even if it is 0.

  • Optionalminor?: number

    The minor version of the widgets, leaving this blank will use the latest minor based on major

  • Optionalpatch?: number

    The patch version of the widgets, leaving this blank will use the latest minor based on minor

  • Optionalprerelease?: "alpha"

    The prerelease version of the widgets, can only be 'alpha'. Do not use in production.

  • Optionalbuild?: number

    The build version of the widgets. Do not use in production.

{ major: 0 } - use default version 0.1.9-alpha
{ major: 1 } - use version 1.x.x, pickup all new minor and patch versions released
{ major: 1, minor: 1 } - use version 1.1.x, pickup all new patch versions released
{ major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3 } - use version 1.2.3 specifically