Type Alias SwapWidgetParams

SwapWidgetParams: {
    amount?: string;
    fromTokenAddress?: string;
    toTokenAddress?: string;
    walletProviderName?: WalletProviderName;
    language?: WidgetLanguage;
    autoProceed?: boolean;
    direction?: SwapDirection;
    showBackButton?: boolean;

Swap Widget parameters

Type declaration

  • Optionalamount?: string

    The formatted amount to swap, used to populate the swap from amount field

  • OptionalfromTokenAddress?: string

    The contract address of the token to swap from

  • OptionaltoTokenAddress?: string

    The contract address of the token to swap to

  • OptionalwalletProviderName?: WalletProviderName

    The wallet provider name to use for the swap widget

  • Optionallanguage?: WidgetLanguage

    The language to use for the swap widget

  • OptionalautoProceed?: boolean

    Whether the swap widget should display the form or automatically proceed with the swap

  • Optionaldirection?: SwapDirection

    The direction of the swap

  • OptionalshowBackButton?: boolean

    Whether to show a back button on the first screen, on click triggers REQUEST_GO_BACK event