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Version: v2

Get token balance

Displaying the player's in-game currency balance is essential for building an in-game marketplace. It allows players to see if they have enough funds to complete a purchase.
Unity Orderbook
💡Who is this for?
Developers who want to build an in-game marketplace in Unity.
💡Alpha version
This module is experimental and may change in the future. We recommend using it for testing purposes only.

The Orderbook package enables you to display the player's in-game currency balance. Below is an example implementation:

using System;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Immutable.Orderbook.Api;
using Immutable.Orderbook.Client;

namespace HyperCasual.Runner
public class GetTokenBalanceUseCase
private static readonly Lazy<GetTokenBalanceUseCase> s_Instance = new(() => new GetTokenBalanceUseCase());

private readonly OrderbookApi m_OrderbookApi = new(new Configuration { BasePath = Config.BASE_URL });

private GetTokenBalanceUseCase() { }

public static GetTokenBalanceUseCase Instance => s_Instance.Value;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the user's ERC20 token balance
/// </summary>
public async UniTask<string> GetBalance()
var result = await m_OrderbookApi.TokenBalanceAsync(
walletAddress: LOGGED_IN_WALLET, // Replace with player's wallet
contractAddress: ERC20_CONTRACT_ADDRESS // Replace with in-game ERC20 contract address
return result.Quantity;

You can find a complete example in the Unity sample game.

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