network: NetworkishOptional
_options: BrowserProviderOptionsGets the [[Network]] this provider has committed to. On each call, the network is detected, and if it has changed, the call will reject.
Returns true only if the [[_start]] has been called.
Returns this
, to allow an AbstractProvider to implement
the [[ContractRunner]] interface.
Returns all the registered plug-ins.
Prevent any CCIP-read operation, regardless of whether requested
in a [[call]] using enableCcipRead
If this provider has been destroyed using the [[destroy]] method.
Once destroyed, all resources are reclaimed, internal event loops and timers are cleaned up and no further requests may be sent to the provider.
Whether the provider is currently paused.
A paused provider will not emit any events, and generally should not make any requests to the network, but that is up to sub-classes to manage.
Setting paused = true
is identical to calling .pause(false)
which will buffer any events that occur while paused until the
provider is unpaused.
Requests the %%method%% with %%params%% via the JSON-RPC protocol over the underlying channel. This can be used to call methods on the backend that do not have a high-level API within the Provider API.
This method queues requests according to the batch constraints in the options, assigns the request a unique ID.
Do NOT override this method in sub-classes; instead override [[_send]] or force the options values in the call to the constructor to modify this method's behavior.
Returns an ethers-style Error for the given JSON-RPC error %%payload%%, coalescing the various strings and error shapes that different nodes return, coercing them into a machine-readable standardized error.
Resolves to the [[Signer]] account for %%address%% managed by the client.
If the %%address%% is a number, it is used as an index in the the accounts from [[listAccounts]].
This can only be used on clients which manage accounts (such as Geth with imported account or MetaMask).
Throws if the account doesn't exist.
address: string | numberProvides the opportunity for a sub-class to wrap a transaction receipt before returning it, to add additional properties or an alternate sub-class of [[TransactionReceipt]].
Provides the opportunity for a sub-class to wrap a transaction response before returning it, to add additional properties or an alternate sub-class of [[TransactionResponse]].
Returns or resolves to a filter for %%filter%%, resolving any ENS names or [[Addressable]] object and returning if already a valid filter.
Returns or resolves to a transaction for %%request%%, resolving any ENS names or [[Addressable]] and returning if already a valid transaction.
Get the account balance (in wei) of %%address%%. If %%blockTag%% is specified and the node supports archive access for that %%blockTag%%, the balance is as of that [[BlockTag]].
blockTag: BlockTagGet the number of transactions ever sent for %%address%%, which
is used as the nonce
when sending a transaction. If
%%blockTag%% is specified and the node supports archive access
for that %%blockTag%%, the transaction count is as of that
blockTag: BlockTagBroadcasts the %%signedTx%% to the network, adding it to the memory pool of any node for which the transaction meets the rebroadcast requirements.
Resolves to the block for %%blockHashOrBlockTag%%.
If %%prefetchTxs%%, and the backend supports including transactions with block requests, all transactions will be included and the [[Block]] object will not need to make remote calls for getting transactions.
prefetchTxs: booleanResolves to the transaction for %%hash%%.
If the transaction is unknown or on pruning nodes which
discard old transactions this resolves to null
Resolves to the transaction receipt for %%hash%%, if mined.
If the transaction has not been mined, is unknown or on
pruning nodes which discard old transactions this resolves to
Resolves to the ENS name associated for the %%address%% or
if the //primary name// is not configured.
Users must perform additional steps to configure a //primary name//, which is not currently common.
Create a timer that will execute %%func%% after at least %%timeout%% (in ms). If %%timeout%% is unspecified, then %%func%% will execute in the next event loop.
Pausing the provider will pause any associated timers.
timeout: numberIf a [[Subscriber]] fails and needs to replace itself, this method may be used.
For example, this is used for providers when using the
method, which can return null if state
filters are not supported by the backend, allowing the Subscriber
to swap in a [[PollingEventSubscriber]].
Registers a %%listener%% that is called whenever the %%event%% occurs until unregistered.
Registers a %%listener%% that is called the next time %%event%% occurs.
Unregister the %%listener%% for %%event%%. If %%listener%% is unspecified, all listeners are unregistered.
listener: ListenerUnregister all listeners for %%event%%.
event: ProviderEventAlias for [[on]].
Alias for [[off]].
The polling interval (default: 4000 ms)