A promise that resolves to an IMX provider if successful, or null if no cached session exists
Connects to IMX, prompting user interaction if necessary.
A promise that resolves to an IMX provider
Connects to EVM and optionally announces the provider.
options: { Configuration options
Whether to announce the provider via EIP-6963 for wallet discovery (defaults to true)
The EVM provider instance
Initiates the login process.
options: { Login options
useIf true, and no active session exists, the user won't be prompted to log in
anonymousID used to enrich Passport internal metrics
useIf true, attempts silent authentication without user interaction. Note: This takes precedence over useCachedSession if both are true
A promise that resolves to the user profile if logged in, null otherwise
Initiates a device flow login.
options: { Login options
anonymousID used to enrich Passport internal metrics
A promise that resolves to the device connection response
Handles the device flow login callback.
The device code received from the initial request
Polling interval in seconds
timeoutMs: numberOptional timeout in milliseconds
A promise that resolves to the user profile
Handles the PKCE flow login callback.
The authorization code received from the OAuth provider
The state parameter for CSRF protection
A promise that resolves to the user profile
Retrieves the current user's information.
A promise that resolves to the user profile if logged in, undefined otherwise
Links an external wallet to the current user's account.
Parameters for linking the wallet
A promise that resolves to the linked wallet information
Attempts to connect to IMX silently without user interaction.